Thursday, October 6, 2011

more from Augustine

"How great is the multitude of His sweetness, which He hath hidden for them that [long for] Him; which He hath wrought for them that hope in Him (Ps. xxx, 20). For now we know in part, until that which is perfect is come (cf. 1 Cor. xiii,9 seq.). And that we might be made fit to understand this, He, the equal of the Father in the form of God, and made in the form of a servant like to us, remakes us to the likeness of God; and He, the unique Son of God, made [to be] the Son of man, makes us sons [and daughters] of men [to be] sons [and daughters] of God, and the servants whom He nourished through the visible form of a servant [in Christ], He perfects in freedom that they may see the form of God..."

(Serm. CXCIV, iii.3; qtd. in Pryzwara 188)

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